- Test plan development to meet particular specifications and standards.
- Test plan development for failure analysis.
Contact Robert Mensah: robert.mensah@metallurgicaltesting.org
Interpretation of Standards and Specifications
Correct interpretation of standards and specifications is critical for service providers to deliver quality service. Visit www.metallurgicalconsult.com for inquiries about standards and specifications.
Macro-Structure and Micro-Structure Evaluation
There are standard test methods for evaluating macro-structure of various types of metal alloys. There are also standard methods of preparation and etching various material types for micro-structure evaluation. Visit www.metallurgicalconsult.com with inquiries about...
Grain Size Evaluation
There are standard methods for determining average grain size, and for characterizing duplex grain sizes. Visit www.metallurgicalconsult.com with inquiries about grain size evaluation.
Inclusion Rating
Inclusion rating is used to determine the relative cleanliness of a carbon or alloy steel. Visit www.metallurgicalconsult.com for inquiries about inclusion rating.
Interpretation of Test Results
Generally, test results are compared with particular specifications, customer requirements, material test reports, etc. Knowledge of the applicable specification is essential in cases where the customer does not provide any requirements. Visit...
Training in Specific Test Methods
Visit www.metallurgicalconsult.com for inquiries regarding training in specific test methods.
Engineering Controls
Engineering controls are essential for safe operations in a metallurgical laboratory. Visit www.metallurgicalconsult.com for inquiries concerning engineering controls for metallurgy lab safe operation.
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